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Thursday 14 June 2012

Menstruation palava

Teacher Wanted to Test Emu's IQ.
Teacher: Emu, what is a Period?.
Emu: I don't know the meaningsir, But I am very sure it is not a good thing. I think it is very dangerous.
Teacher: Why?
Emu: because when my sistersaid she hasn't seen her period for five months,
My mother fainted,
My Father got a heart attack and our driver ran away

Embarrazement galore

A guy asked a girl who was sitting at a table in a library:
Do you mind if I sit with you?. The girl replied with a loud voice; I don't want to spend the night with you. All the Students in the library staredat the guy. He was Embarrassed & walked away,to another table. After a couple of minutes the girl walked quietly to the guy's table and said; I am studying Psychology and I know man's feelings when he is embarrassed. The guy shouted; ₦30,000 for one night,
that's too much!

Letter from Akpors to bill gate

Lol...BILL GATES has resigned as the Chairman 0f MICR0-S0FT after receiving a letter from AKP0RS.

AKP0RS} Dear Sir, i have some likely questi0ns to ask...
1) The Keyb0ard alphabets are not in 0rder, when will you launch the correct version
2) There's "Start" butt0n but nothing 2 "St0p"
3) I have learn't MS w0rd, when will you launch MS sentence
4) There is Recycle Bin but no Rescooter Bin, why???
5) And finally a personal question: Why is your name,"GATES" even though you sell Wind0ws....

Sunday 3 June 2012


May: My son am tired.
June: Why?
May: My time is up, i will be going to join your forefathers.
June: I know, you had time, but not enough to be with you... I will miss you Dad.
May: Let me tell you some things before i go,Make sure you take care of this person
June: Who?
May: The person READING this conversation of ours
June: Okay.
May: i made some promises to this person during my reign, i fulfilled some, and couldn't
June: But why couldn't you fulfill all Dad?
May: Well, my son time and human factors affected some of the promises.....
June: But....
May: But surely, I spoke with God on this person's behalf, and God granted my wish that you may fulfill the rest promises that i couldn't. So these are the rest of the fulfillment you will carry out on this person.
June: Go on Dad 
May: Stabilise this person's health all through your reign, there shall be no sickness! Oppen a direct link   between God and this person.
June: Done, carry on Dad

May: Ensure that this person's wish comes to reality within the shortest period of time
June: Alright
May: Give this person wealth that will touch lives of multitudes.
June: Surely
May: Make sure that you remove all remaining hindrances to success from this person's way and make the year a huge success.
June: I will dad, no problem 
May: Pay more emphasis on the advice of his person's friends, don't worry about this 
June: Got it
May: Now i can pass to the beyond happily, May you be prosperous!!!

HAPPY NEW MONTH FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!